What is WTA

Merits of WTA (World Trustmark and trade Alliance)

According to Japan Direct Marketing Association, the volume of EC sales to consumers that has been enjoying a high rate of growth, mainly electrical machinery and apparatus and apparel, is expected to grow as much as ever, and especially, a positive attitude toward overseas sales is being shown. We are confident that the spread and upbringing of WTA among reliable business operators in domestic and international transactions will become an important role that the Trustmark business operators are to play for EC market expansion and revitalization.

What are the merits for Trustmark operators

How can we make practical use of WTA?
We can utilize the guidelines laid down by WTA member nations with an eye towards mutual certification. We can share networks, knowledge, information, etc. among members.
What kind of presence does WTA have in international conferences?
It participates energetically in international conferences such as APEC and ISO.
How do foreign people view our Trustmark?
WTA Trustmark has become the identity common to international business operators. In the global campaigns, they jointly engage in branding and bear the expenses for resources.

What are the merits for sellers

How can sellers win the trust of domestic and foreign consumers?
The description of WTA Trustmark has become the identity common to international business operators. In the global campaign, they jointly engage in branding and bear the expenses for resources.
The framework of dispute resolution has been established.
How can sellers win the trust of domestic and foreign business connections (suppliers)?
They follow the guidelines laid down by WTA. They are members of united organizations of companies based on international partnership with an established reputation.
The framework of dispute resolution has been established.
How can sellers learn better know-how of business management?
They can learn by sharing networks, knowledge, information, etc. among members.

What are the merits for consumers

How can consumers know whether the seller from whom they have bought the product is trustworthy?
Certified sellers are holders of widely used WTA-identifying Trustmark. Consumers can link this WTA identifier to trust.
Trustmark is linked to the internationally implemented guidelines laid down by WTA.
Who will help to resolve disputes with foreign sellers?
There is an established framework for domestic and international dispute resolutions.
WTA will help solve disputes between regions with different languages.
Can consumers expect the same service standards from all sellers?
Consumers can expect services that meet the same service standards from certified sellers in other countries, too.